#1 Work Ethic
My work ethic in this class has never been better. I actually wanted to do the work, even when I fell behind I tried to catch up.
#2 Enjoyed Assignments
I enjoyed all my assignments. If I had to pick a favorite it would be my unit on world building. While the research was tedious, I could put all of my creativity into it. My least favorite would be my 3D modeling unit. Starting from the beginning of such a huge program bogged things down. If I had to do it again I would find more resources before starting.
#3 Difficulty
All of my projects were difficult. The work with Maya was challenging because of how many tools and options there were. The Clip Studio unit was hard because of how many steps and processes there are to hand draw an animation. The webtoon unit was difficult because of the new perspectives I tried. World building was difficult because of the huge amounts of research that goes into it.