So once again working on the story board.
With this next part of the animation there is a one character vs grunt army fight scene so story boarding that has been a hassle. I've watched a couple of anime fight scenes as a reference.
I'm trying to just roughly sketch the character's motion around the field and get a rough sense of their fight style. Keeping the fight in sync with the songs beats.
The grunts are kind of horrible I'll have to fix them later, give them more motion. Currently they're pretty much standing dummys with guns.
I really like how I've done the camera angle changes in the animation, I've been trying to use less panning shots and scene cuts. I want it to be like the church fight in the first kingsmen movie. Of course currently it's nowhere near smooth, that's the point of the story board animation though.
I'm at around 36 seconds now so that's where I'll have to stop for the day.