-mythical birds
-dragons, wyverns
-regular animals
-dragons, wyverns
-regular animals
Starting on mythical birds, there are a lot of different legends about magic birds so I'm going to find a list. I did not find a list. To clarify I didn't find a lot of mythical birds other than the usual Phoenix and Thunderbird myths. So I've decided to not include mythical birds in my world, there isn't enough variation to separate it from creatures such as elementals. So mythical birds are being scraped.
Golems are different from the other creatures in the world, being unnaturally brought to life through magic. A lot of how they would work would depend on who in the world made them. Such as a character with weaker magic wouldn't be able to create a Golem that has a personality or the ability to use magic. Golems are basically the magical equivalent of programmable robots. So I'm just going to play loosely with Golems in the story, basing their abilities on the character who created them.
Just going to sneak in between, the video has finished loading so now I'm waiting for it to upload to YouTube. Back to work on creatures...
Regular animals are regular animals, same as real life. Though that does raise the question, how do regular animals survive with such powerful predators living in the same environment? Answer to that is population growth ratios. Regular animals would reproduce more often than the other creatures, like how rabbits do in comparison to wolves.
Last but definitely not least, these are my favorites actually, Elementals. Elementals, unlike Aetherals, are physical animals. With their magic linked to a single element each. Though due to their physical forms their magic is weaker than Aetherals, they can directly interact with the world. Appearance wise they would be influenced by their individual elements. Using Lina, my character's familiar, an air elemental ferret as an example. She has a light blue and white tint to her fur, and weighs very little in comparison to a regular ferret. They would have levels between 17-23, with rare ones reaching levels 24-26. their personalities would depend on their elements but would also be distinct from it, having their own force of will. They would live close to their elements, depending on the animal and element whether or not the live in groups.
So that's all the non-humanoid creatures in the world, I'll do concept pieces for these creatures in my next post. I'm not finished with this post just yet though, the speedpaint is finished uploading so here's that...
Now I'm done.